Paniam Quartzite Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Middle-upper formation (4 of 6) of Kurnool Gr.
Synonyms: Plateau Quartzite or Pinnacled Quartzite because of the special geomorphic features in the Kumool district.
Lithology and Thickness
Sandstone: The bulk is very well-sorted quartz arenite. Amalgamated wavy planar to lenticular beds give rise to meter-thick sheet like geometry. Wavy planar laminations, trough cross-strata,
and large planar tabular cross-strata are common in the quartz arenite (Fig. image G).
[Field photographs showing lithology and sedimentary features in the Kurnool Group. Banganapalle Quartzite Fm – (A) basal conglomerate of overlying granitic basement, and (B) thick matrix supported polymict conglomerate with apparent size grading. Narji Limestone Fm - (C) lower part with thin wavy bedded impure limestone, and (D) glauconitic sandstone interbeds in limestone; note pockets of lime pebble conglomerate. Owk Shale Fm - (E) Thinly laminated ash beds, and (F) transition from Owk Shale (lower half of photo) to Paniam Quartzite Fm. Paniam Quartzite Fm - (G) truncated wavy lamination. Koilkuntla Limestone Fm - (H) thin bedded argillaceous limestone, and (I) impure limestone-shale intercalation within the Koilkuntla Limestone Fm to Nandyal Shale Fm transition. (from Saha et al., 2016)]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Underlain by Owk Shale Fm with a transition zone marked by thin, wavy bedded to rippled, medium-grained quartzite (Fig. image F).
Upper contact
Overlain by Koikuntla Limestone Fm
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Shallow-marine, bars with macrotidal influence. Very well-sorted quartz arenite with amalgamated cross-stratified beds have been interpreted as products of wave reworked bars in a near-shore open environment
Additional Information